

docker version
docker info


  • Docker uses docker0 virtual bridge interface. Each new container gets one interface automatically attached to the docker0 virtual bridge.
  • Create network that other container will attach to and will be visible via name: docker network create -d bridge my-net (-d Network Driver: bridge)
  • Attach container to custom network: docker run --network my-net ...

Socket Docker socket from within a container: -v /run/docker.sock:/run/docker.sock

Manage Docker as a non-root user The docker daemon binds to a Unix socket instead of a TCP port. By default that Unix socket is owned by the user root and other users can only access it using sudo. The docker daemon always runs as the root user.

If you don’t want to use sudo when you use the docker command, create a Unix group called docker and add users to it. When the docker daemon starts, it makes the ownership of the Unix socket read/writable by the docker group.

  • Add the docker group if it doesn't already exist:
sudo groupadd docker
  • Add the connected user "$USER" to the docker group. Change the user name to match your preferred user if you do not want to use your current user:
sudo gpasswd -a $USER docker
  • Log out/in to activate the changes to groups.

  • You can use docker run hello-world to check if you can run docker without sudo.


Better way of installing things when building docker images:

RUN set -ex; \ # Fail when exit status not 0, print each command (debug)
	apt-get update; \
	apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \

Tag, Build & Push

The tag: latest can be missleading. Latest simply means "the last build/tag that ran without a specific tag/version specified".

Run docker build inside a directory containing single file called Dockerfile

Command What it does
docker build -t Registry/Image:tag . Build Docker image (-t with tag)
docker build -t registry/image:tag registry/image:another_tag . Build image and use multiple tags
docker build -f Dockerfile_custom -t . Specify custom Dockerfile
docker push Push built image to registry
docker build --no-cache ... Force Docker to clean rebuild every layer
docker tag 0e5574283393 fedora/httpd:version1.0 Tag an image referenced by ID
docker tag httpd fedora/httpd:version1.0 Tag an image referenced by Name
docker tag httpd:test fedora/httpd:version1.0.test Tag an image referenced by Name and Tag


docker run ... Explained
-d In background, detached
--name some-name Use some-name for container Name
-ti Interactive, with pseudo terminal
-p HOST:CONTAINER Port mapping Ex. -p 8080:80
--rm Remove after container stops
--privileged Disable SELinux protection for this container
ctrl+p ctrl+q Detach from container without stopping it
-v Volume Mapping Ex. -v ${PWD}/config:/config
-v /run/docker.sock:/run/docker.sock Map Docker socket
--network my-net Use "my-net" network
--restart Specify restart policy: no, on-failure, always, unless-stopped


docker run -d --name my_container -v $PWD:/directory image:tag # Detached (in background)
docker run -it image:tag bash # Run bash shell inside of a container
docker run -d alpine:latest sh -c 'while true; do date; sleep 1; done'
docker run -p 8080:80 --name -e VAR=Value my_container image:tag  # docker run -p 8080:80
docker run --restart=always redis

docker cp foo.txt mycontainer:/foo.txt                        # Copy from host to container
docker cp mycontainer:/foo.txt foo.txt                        # Copy form container to host


Command What it does
docker newtork ls List Docker networks
docker volume ls List Docker volumes
docker ps Show running containers
docker ps -a Show all containers (including stopped)
docker exec -it <my_container> bash Attach to a running container with BASH shell
docker kill <my_container> Kill running container
docker rm <my_container> Remove the container (including data inside)
docker stats Show Docker container system stats (CPU, Mem, IOs)
docker stats <my_container> Show stats for a single container
docker logs <my_container> Show logs from a container
docker inspect <my_container> Return low-level information on Docker objects in JSON format
docker history <image> Show the history of an image


Command What it does
docker system df Show Docker disk usage
docker system info Display system-wide information
docker system prune Remove unused data


User version 2 over version 3. The version 3 is used when using docker swarm and removes syntax used in version 2.

What it does Command
Stand Up docker-compose.yml stack docker-compose up -d
Restart single service from docker-compose.yml docker-compose restart <service>
Add service to docker-compose.yml and start it docker-compose up -d --no-recreate


Show last 100 logs from docker-compose deployment

docker-compose logs
-f            # Follow log output
-t            # Show timestamps
--tail="100"  # Number of lines to show from the end of the logs
              # for each container

Tips & Tricks

# ALIASES in .bashrc or .zshrc
alias dps='docker ps --format "table {{.Names}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Ports}}"'
Last Updated: 2/7/2019, 10:25:44 PM